Tuesday, January 28, 2020

4. Insert a new node at the begning of linked List

inseratbegning function
void inseratbegning()
          printf("\nLets insert a node at the begninig\n");
          struct node *mynode;
          mynode=(struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node));
        printf("New Node Inserted Successfuly at the begning!\n");

3. Traverse a linked list

traverse list function
void traverselist()
    struct node *temp=head;
    int i=1;
               printf("Printing %d Element of Linked List %d\n",i,temp->data);
                   temp= temp->link;

2. To Create a New Node

 void createnode(int n)
     int data ;
     struct node *temp;
    /* lets create first node using malloc */
    head=(struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node));
                 if(head == NULL)
                     printf("Memory not allocated ");
     printf("Enter first node data ");
     scanf("%d", &data);
     head-> data = data;
                  for(int i=2; i<=n; i++)
                   struct node  *NewNode=(struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node));
                          if(NewNode== NULL)
                               printf("Memory not allocated ");
                         printf("Enter  node data ");
                         scanf("%d", &data);
                         temp->link=NewNode;         // linking current node with NewNode
                         temp = temp->link;   // Moving temp node to NewNode location
        printf("List created successfuly!\n");

1.Creating structure of the node

/* Lets create structure of the node*/

             struct node
                int data;
                struct node *link;
            }*head; // Creating a global head pointer of struct type

/*  lets declare a function to create nodes*/

9_Regular Expressions

Regular expressions- Sometimes in HTML, the developer defines more than one class name ( that’s class input has more than one name Here ...